Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Wordless Wednesday--Healing Field

In honor of September 11,
the original Healing Field.


Unknown said...

That's a lot of flags!

Happy WW!

Popcorn House said...

Seeing this picture makes me feel so patriotic and reverent. Thanks for sharing.

Anonymous said...

Great photos! Thanks for sharing.

Debbie@Like a Rose said...

Very thoughtful.

Sharon said...

Great shot. Even though I am not American, nor have I lost anyone in war, it still moves me to see photos like this that remind me that there are brave souls out there fighting for our country (in my case, Australia).


Holly Schwendiman said...

Okay so I keep forgetting to come check your photo blog for WW. My link today is to my 9/11 article instead of WW - it just seemed to fit. Love the share!
