Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Wordless Wednesday--What's Wrong With This Photo?

Everybody loves a parade. I personally feel great privilege to honor our flag at the start of it... This shot is of right before the flag passed. Everyone was up standing with respect except for this particular family who continued to stuff their faces as the flag went by. I suppose one could say that service members have died for their right to disrespect the flag--but on our country's birthday you'd think they'd show a little respect by standing as it passed if they weren't willing to honor it.


sobeit said...

This says a lot about "what's wrong" in general! Happy WW!

Snap Catch said...

Perfect one for WW! Hope you'll visit my corner too... Happy WW!

Anonymous said...

Hey-Happy WW!

Anonymous said...

Wow- sad and unbelievable!

Holly Schwendiman said...

That's disappointing. We enjoyed the parade in Rexburg this year and the kids got a bag full of candy which they thought was awesome!
